Thuyết minh biện pháp thi công bằng tiếng Anh (Phần 1)

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Project: Hanoi sky lake resort golf club house

                  Location: Chuong My town- Ha Tay province

  • Content of bidding package

Construction work is built on the area of golf court in Chuong My town Ha Tay province

Work area: Building all the club building

  • Scale
  • Architecture solution

– Construction work is 3 floor building and 1 pit floor, concreted roofing with art tile

  • Structure solution

– Construction work is designed body structure solution using column, beam, and 250# reinforced concrete floor

  • Execution method:

– Construction work is 3 floor building and 1 pit floor, built and belong to central area, thus, execution method must guarantee following factors:

– Execution method must meet standards about noise, safety, cleaning and next construction works, ensure not affect to surrounding

– Transportation means must be cleaned, not dirty tires, no garbage on the street


Contractor confirms preparation with large decision to quality of construction. After searching for drawing contractor sees that this work requires high quality art, these are some preparation of contractor before execution

  • Document

After searching for contractor’s drawing which manage quality work, setting up legal document management is through out from company to construction site such as: employee document includes labor contract, labor safety commitment; material equipment management file includes tested material quality results, checking equipment; completion certificate. In Contractor office, there a team of skillful engineer who sets up solution method execution progress for each work in details. Pursuant to execution progress file, contractor has planed to prepare manpower, materials, and construction equipments. Document is proceeded by contractor and finished when starting execution.

  1. 2. Human Resource. Contractor will appoint a vice director who controls execution directly.

_ Technology department of contractor has an experienced team of staff who regularly follows up quality of construction work

_ Manpower: Contractor has been executing many project of Taiwan, China, Korea and Japan, so contractor has a skillful and responsible team in construction work. However, contractor still confirm quality of human resource to the success of contractor. Hence, staffs are still trained to enhance ability and especially, 100% of workers are must work with good health skills and safety.

_  Human resource: Contractor arranges human resource depend on work, especially main work like concrete building, plaster will be guaranteed for production line. Professional labor team divided into plaster, building, plaster, steel, concrete, electricity, water supply, equipment installation is combined tightly with each other in execution to ensure progress.

  1. Material, equipment

_ Material and supply: Investor must test material before using, quality of main material must be tested. Material must be estimated to be suitable for progress and construction plan in each period. In this work contractor focuses on concerning about things for high quality and artic construction work.

_ Equipment: Contractor has plan to use equipment reasonably, depends on work amount and progress, to supply on execution time, right standard

  1. Plan

Plan preparation affects to execution progress and construction work quality significantly. To arrange reasonable plan, contractor will proceed survey and search for plane, confirming plan of execution, set up execution progress in detail for each category to define office location, store, material ground, mixing machine area and entrance during execution time

Contractor proceeds preparation such as locating construction, calculating material transport road, transport land, necessary area for mixing concrete ground, small structure, installation, mixing mortar, brick ground and formworks, steel ground and ensure arranged reasonable plan.

After calculating for necessary, contractor proceed to protect from dust for environment

  • Main requirement

After calculating above floor limiting fallen materials as well as dust.

After executing floors, Contractor will proceed to spread






Plan must be installed electricity, water supply, control office, tent, depot, other tents are arranged to be convenient for execution

Construction concrete is fresh concrete and use concrete pump

  1. Requirements when arranging execution plan

When arranging the execution plane, contractor will calculate to ensure following factors:

  • Offices and depots: Ensure enough area, satisfy functions of office.
  • Store floor is embanked high and chocked for damp-proof to cement
  • Inflammable materials are put separately and packet in buckets
  • Fire extinguishers in offices and depots
  • Security office: Near the entrance and observable to everywhere in the construction site. Fixed telephone, fire extinguishers, security equipments in security office
  • Reinforcement executing ground: Tent floor is built high and have satchels
  • Formwork assembling ground: Contractor uses most of corrugated ion formwork. The system to support formwork is log of wood and steel log. Contractor is responsible for maintaining formwork.

Contractor also uses both steel and wooden formwork. Thus, processed formwork must be far away from depots

  1. Water supply

Contractor must contact with investor and local government to have water for execution

Water supply system is tight in the ground and far from road

  1. Sewage system

Contractor installs a temporary sewage system, connect water from many areas and pump water to gas hole.

  1. Electricity

Contractor supplies electricity and private wire to electricity box. Moreover, contractor prepares generator to guarantee electricity. Using rubber covered cables with 3 phases or 4 cores. There is electricity clock to measure electricity numbers

There are 2 main power sources:

  • For equipments and machines
  • For other activities

Contractor installs tension pole across roads, wire is larger than or equal 4 m

  1. Lighting system

Contractor installs headlights around the work, Light system to protect and serve for execution at night

Moreover, contractor supplies another dynamo.40KVA ensures lighting of work and serve machines in case of power cut or executing process at night

Arrange plan, contractor guarantee the standard of work, environment, security and safety.



Guarantee execution steps as same as design

Guarantee safety for people, machines and work

Guarantee surrounding environment

Avoid making noise

Clean transport means when leaving the work

Contractor covers the boot of bike when going out the wor

  • Execution method

Base on the drawing, contractor gives the method presented following

  • Survey method

Contractor surveys when beginning executing work. Survey engineers help experiences and take part in many works

In order to set up, maintain figures in work correctly, survey team receives a border line and investor’s standard (receivable certificate). Then, team is responsible for defending border line and fix.

Base on border line high standard to main pivot, set up pitch system to confirm the pivot. Setting up pitch by: each pitch is confirmed by center point. This point is set up to use easily and exactly, not affect to execution. In execution, contractor bases on pitch and height to execute according to requirement of investor and drawing

Survey is always checked and noted in detail. Figures are announced to investor


1)Excavation method

Due to large amount of land, we use both method of machine and manuals. Excavating by machine is used regularly, using manuals to fix foundation hole. Excavating and fixing foundation hole follow to designed depth.

Around hole, drainage ditches and arrange pump to absorb water continuously in case of rain.

Excavation process is suitable for restriction to guarantee the stability of roof. In case of less stable place, we process to build stake.

Dimension, form, height of foundation hole must be suitable for design. Taking over before going on next work.

* Risk of excavation

Digging in the heavy rain causes soil fall. After rain, filling in hole, change 15cm in hole in comparison to designed level. After fixing each ground layer, replacing foundation by concrete bricks.

There is “underground rock” or other, replace by mixing sand and crushed rock.

Filling up foundation hole

After executing foundation concrete, filling foundation hole.

* Technical requirement in filling land

When covering sand, guarantee that foundation sand has moisture in restricted area. Dry sand needs to be watered; reduce moisture for much humid sand.

Cover sand and distribute into each layer and stamp.

*Technical method

Use compactor and worker.

Stamp layer to another tightly

Fill sand by line

  1. Foundation work

After finishing foundation, place and fix it.

Pour the lean concrete layer for foundation. Use survey machine to confirm centre and mark on the surface of middle layer concrete. Proceeding steel installation when the concrete commit to the hardness. Use block for small concrete with the same depth as concrete layer for steel. Label of this is equal to one of foundation concrete.

After reinforcement assembling, installing casing used iron formwork. Foundation formwork commit to designed type. Foundation casing is kept by steel column which is wrapped and wooden column. It is important for contractor to guarantee stability of formwork.

Checking steel formwork and cleaning before pouring concrete.

Pour foundation concrete: Replace mixed concrete into concrete pump. Material of concrete commits to clean standard.

Use stamping concrete d=45-60mm to stamp concrete. The concrete is poured into each layer and damped following to technique. Surface of foundation is smooth by hawk, guarantee flat degree and designed level.

Covering foundation is only proceeded after maintaining concrete following technique finishing, underground work and accepted by investor.



  1. Execution of wall, concrete, steel, pit floor

Base on structure design contractor estimate, design using casing and recycling during work.

Reinforcement assembling

Tie block concrete with the same thickness as protected concrete and grade as one of structure concrete.

Preliminary acceptance for reinforcement

Drill concrete floor to hammer steel to fix wall thickness

Formwork assembling in one side only

Pour concrete for wall

  1. Reinforcement assembling

Before install steel for the wall, contractor uses survey machine to define centre of pivots on the concrete floor

Base on pointed centre on the concrete, check the right position of steel, tight steel to other steel in case of right position

* Wall reinforcement procedure

– Drill to create roughness of wall foot concrete and clean

– Adjust straight ahead steel bar, ensure distance between steel bar

– Connect straight steel bars with another

–  Install cross-bar

– Adjust steel bars to guarantee size and distance between bar

–  Tie steel and concrete block into one side, the number of block mass ensure to make steel stable and unbroken.

– After finishing work, investor checks steel. Contractor only proceeds to combine formwork if it reaches requirement.

  1. Wall formwork combination

Contractor confirms: Formwork combination must make wall straight, flat, smooth. Thus, formwork must be hermetic, stable. Corrugated iron formworks have the same size as structure size.

In case of missing corrugated iron formworks, contractor uses wooden formwork. Contractor cleans and paints a petrol layer before using to untie easily.

* Formwork assembling procedure

Base on defined centre of pivot. Line 2 lines to wall edge.

Drilled hole D12, distance 1.5m per 1 hole.

Hammer steel pieces D12 following to line in order to become bolt inside formwork

Combine one side corrugated iron form work.

Install steel boxes into 3 lines:

Line 1: 20cm from bottom of concrete wall

Line 2: 60cm from Line 1

Line 3: 15cm from wall surface

Boxes control thickness of concrete wall. If thickness of wall always commit to standard, casing will not be deformed.

After installing and fixing boxes bar, conducting to tie concrete block into other steel wall side. Then, clean wall foot and combine casing.

After combining, casings are propped up by length control machine. Contractor uses D12 cable with control machine to control and to pull casing inverse to propulsive force of pulled bar in order to balance pressing force on casing, guarantee stability of casing and control wall casing to the right or the left easily.

After combining casing, contractor invites investor to check. Next, contractor prepares to pour concrete.

  1. Pit floor concrete wall pouring.
  • Method

By concrete pump

Concrete is poured on the partition with the thickness of 30cm with many times to guarantee solid and adhesive degree.

  • Pit floor wall concrete stamping method

Before pouring concrete wall, contractor uses pump to water wall foot brick and pour a cement layer with rate ½ and mix additive for damp-proof. After pouring mortar, pouring concrete immediately.

Wall concrete has 14cm- landslide, distance between wall steel is large. Thus, contractor uses stamping machine with diameter D50, radius is equal as 1/3 as length of power hammer. When covering next layer on previous layer, power hammer is staked out with the depth of more than 5cm.

  • Concrete pour requirements

Avoid changing position of steel, formwork and guarantee the depth of protected concrete layer.

Pouring concrete continuously in oder to avoid separately of concrete until finishing any structure following to design.

The height of falling concrete is smaller than 1.5m to avoid classifying. If it is higher than 1.5m, pour concrete by sloping conduit or movable pipe. Material conduit must be smooth and hermetic. Material conduit width is as 3.5 times as the largest diameter of reinforcement. Slope of conduit is guaranteed for concrete not stuck.

  • Pouring concrete note:

Formwork, scaffold and reinforcement are tested tightly in case of trouble.

Concrete is stamped by stamping machine. All position is stamped in the right way.

Canvas is available to cover concrete when rain. Concrete is not poured because of problems, wait until it reaches at 25kg/cm2. Before pouring, roughness flat is handled, pour solid cement, mix additive for damp-proof.

Thickness of concrete layer bases on concrete supply, transport distance, type of stamping power, characteristic of structure and it doesn’t exceed standards:

Straight stamping: Length of each layer <= 1.25 length of stamping

Across stamping: Length of each layer is 12- 20cm.

Following and noting contents in periods of pouring concrete:

Beginning and ending time

Concrete grade, depression

Concrete amount in each period

Check concrete sample


Concrete temperature

Concrete maintenance: Useful for developing speed of concrete according to design requirement, method, and concrete maintenance procedure TCVN 5592-1991. “Heavy concrete requires natural warm maintenance”. Moisture maintenance procedure divided into 2 periods: first maintenance and following maintenance. 2 periods is continuous.

+ First maintenance: cover concrete surface by humid material to keep water for concrete.

+ Following maintenance: proceed after following maintenance until stopping. Watering for concrete surface regularly, times per day depend on temperature, weather to keep it humid. Maintenance times last from 5 to 6 days.

  • Reinforcement concrete column execution method
  1. Casing, reinforcement

Reinforcement column belong to system that burden all loading capacity of work, thus, contractor concern about seriously

Base on size of each structure, contractor uses casing of contractor as formwork column.

To executing column, contractor gives execution order:

Use Theologize to place centre of pivot

Confirm size of column circumference

Drill and hammer D12 onto edge

Install reinforcement concrete column

Tie steel concrete block

Acceptance for column reinforcement

Combine 3-size formwork of column

Adjust, fix 3-size formwork box on the right position

Adjust straight reinforcement column, block to guarantee protected layer for reinforcement around column

Clean pivot foot

Combine other size of formwork

Adjust; prop up formwork in the centre of pivot and straight

Acceptance for column formwork

Method of propping up and adjusting formwork column

When pouring the floor concrete, contractor calculate to place anchor on the floor surface to be point to hook cable.

To control column, contractor estimates to prop up

First line is next to floor surface

Second line is 1.4m from floor

Third line is 50 cm from column

(Base on specific height of each column, contractor adjusts distance of 2 columns)

To balance force and pull in or pull out easily, contractor uses column to pull by steel and cable with diameter 8-12mm.

To check vertical of formwork column, contractor equips plumb bob for each team, combine with survey team to check straight level of formwork.

The column with the height of more than 1.5m, contractor arranges concrete door across formwork column so that height of concrete <= 1.5m. Concrete door is next to the largest. In column foot, contractor arranges 1 toilet door to clean that.

Contractor install waiting steel to combine wall

After taking quality of formwork column, contractor invites investor to check and conduct to pour concrete.

Contractor swept a petrol layer to prevent formwork to absorb cement to untie casing easily.

  1. Concrete column execution 

Contractor waters column foot then close cleaning door in column foot.

Avoid separating concrete; contractor pours a yellow sand layer mortar with rate 1/2 in foot column before pouring concrete.

With high concrete column, contractor pours concrete into many layers. Thickness of layer <= 40cm. After finishing, contractor continues to pours other. When stamping, power-hammer is staked out into previous layer to guarantee separation.

Contractor knocks surrounding casing so that concrete surface is smooth besides stamping.

To control the height of concrete column, contractor uses theodolite to confirm stamping bottom. Stamping bottom is used to pour concrete column. Contractor marks red paint line on the surface of formwork column as control landmark for height.

Concrete column requirements  

            After untying casing, concrete surface must be smooth solid.

Untied column has square sharp, angles aren’t changeable.

Right position for column

Column must be straight

  1. Formwork combination notices

If there is any leaky hole, it needs maintaining and preparing casing.

  1. Reinforcement , casing and concrete floor beam

Execution order this procedure affects to progress and quality of work. Contractor gives casing execution procedure so that execution procedure is circulated:

Use survey machine to check beam

Install beam untie system

Adjust top column to beam bottom

Install satchel

Cover corrugated-iron formwork as beam formwork

Use survey machine to check or beam bottom

Adjust beam bottom according to design

Check beam bottom casing

Install beam steel

Install formwork into beam

Install column to prop up floor

Cover formwork into floor formwork

Check casing and beam

Install floor reinforcement

Check floor beam casing and floor beam steel installation

  1. Floor beam casing execution

General requirement

Casing and column structure bases on casing structure, commit to following requirement:

– Guarantee right size and sharp

– Guarantee tight to avoid loss of cement

This affects to execution progress and work quality significantly.

Contractor uses Pal and Minh Khai scaffold casing combining with wooden formwork so that work gets high quality and execution process. The system is installed to guarantee the high stability. These materials are used to execute the following casings:

– The system of propping scaffold combining steel column constriction.

– The combination between U steel cross bar and wooden satchel.

– The combination among casing corrugated iron and wooden pressing casing.

* Preparation steps:

– Contractor calculates the height of scaffold which is used for the propping straight for each girder, floor system based on the building height.

– Calculate the capacity which presses into wooden satchel in order to define the height it.

– Define the general height of all materials:

  • The height of scaffold.
  • The height of wooden satchel of girder and floor.
  • The thickness of corrugated – iron formwork.

Contractor arranges the executing formwork team based on the amount of work.

The system of PAL and Minh Khai scaffold will be put upon the jack system to adjust height. The foot jack will be put upon the thick casing to avoid its concentrating force to concrete casing.

Minh Khai scaffold will be used to plaster and build work.

Contractor uses steel bar alternated wooden propping to ensure safety and right techniques for stair execution.

Contractor will put the parts of materials available in concrete such as bolt, iron hook… to use for the works of later parts, pipe other materials following design.

Floor casing is installed by fixing steel casing which connects to each other to form a large part. The system of casing will be put upon the system of steel satchel and PAL scaffold.

Adjust the system of casing, floor according to design. Contractor uses foot jack, top jack of scaffold system which can be adjusted up and down with the check of measuring devices.

Contractor will organize to take over casing to avoid later unfortunate mistake before installing reinforcement. The take- over content includes rechecking centre, rod, the height of casing according to design. Check shape, size, smooth, clean, stability of casing. Check the stability of casing, scaffold and floor.

Contractor ensures the right time, ensure concrete attain the right volume and contractor also ensure to have enough take-over note which attain the result.

  1. Reinforcement and casing execution

Contractor proceeds installing reinforcement upon the system of already finished casing right after installing them.

The type of reinforcement will be put at least 45cm high from the floor and stay in the roof factory area before and after being curved. Reinforcement must be ensured to be cleaned before pouring concrete without oil or other poisonous substance.

Contractor will arrange enough materials, machine which serve for processing cool curving, installing reinforcement according to design which is registered by investor and TCVN 8874-91.               Reinforcement work will be processed right at construction and then installed at right position according to design and located reliably. Constructor arranges each steel team which is delivered the specific works with different department.

Floor reinforcement, stair are installed right upon the system of floor casing. Constructor will install main reinforcement beam right after installing the system of bottom casing beam. Constructor will install secondary reinforcement beam outside and then locate at beam’s design position.

Reinforcement is connected with each other soft steel line (0.8-1mm) to ensure the stability when pouring concrete. Nut and code connect surely to straight steel by tying or wielding. Wielding reinforcement work will be processed according to TCVN 5724-93(VN STANDARD 5724-93). The wielded beams are suitable with necessary demand and they will not be crust over and swollen.                     Contractor will cast the concrete mortar blocks which has the height equal to reinforcement protection concrete of each structure according to design to ensure the later pouring concrete work .

Contractor follows all the reinforcement work according to design notice and investor.

Contractor will invite investor’s technical supervisor to take over and sign the papers about reinforcement.

  1. Floor concrete beam execution

Concrete work is processed right after taking over reinforcement installation, the take-over documents are complete. Contractor also does the check of casing system, scaffold to ensure the stability in pouring concrete process before officially pouring concrete.

Concrete beam, floor use commodity concrete poured by pamp.

Contractor calculates to pour each concrete within a day. Concrete will calculate to guarantee technical demands about circuit.

Execution circuit and execution circuit method.

Concrete must be stopped pouring according to restriction about circuit if the pause time of pouring concrete is up to 90min in any circumstances.

Contractor will commit to TCVN 4453-95 standard about concrete pouring circuit.

Floor concrete pouring circuit is 1/3 span to the perpendicular direction to short side and to the pouring concrete direction.

Circuit must have 1mm flexible steel net to connect later section; it must be blocked so that concrete will not be flown.

After stopping pouring concrete, if the next block concrete is poured, the circuit contact must be carved roughly and watered by solid cement, at this point, we use washer water proof and glue layer. Contractor will pour a mortar layer with rate 1:2 with damp proof additive.

Notice when pouring concrete contacts with circuit:

  • Concrete at circuit can not mixed with large rock or in pouring concrete process rocks are concentrated in circuit, they must be given away.
  • Stamping carefully without any mistake.
  • Concrete pouring method for floor                                                                                                     Divide pouring concrete part: Concrete part is defined for each small pour so that the pouring time is not up to 60min after being finished. This method is to cut concrete pouring work in order to not be concentrated; therefore, concrete will not be separated. Moreover, after pouring the later concrete layer, the previous begins

Pour the floor concrete, contractor applies myriopod method. When pouring each layer, contractor uses stick to cover in order to the thickness of concrete is 1 cm bigger than one of floor. Then, compacting carefully until there is an appearance of concrete layer .This the time, contractor stops compacting and conducting to complete the concrete surface.

To confirm the thickness of floor concrete, contractor uses a stick connected to a bar .The thickness of concrete commits to standard when when concrete surface meets the bar. Besides checking method, contractor arranges a survey machine to combine flat level and high level in pouring concrete.                                                                                                                                                            Maintenance method after pouring concrete:

Contractor needs to prepare satchel, casing to prevent rain or sunlight which affects to the quality of concrete

Concrete maintenance is an important part to have stable concrete and prevent structure surface from split. To guarantee the quality of concrete, contractor maintain concrete after 7 hours. For the floor, contractor focuses on damp-proof.

After pouring concrete and complete concrete surface, contractor prevent work from radiation of the sun according to requirements and TCXDVN: 318-2004 about maintenance and concrete structure

Concrete needs maintaining at least 7 days continuously and watered during that time

  • Requirements in concrete execution of the work

Before using, contractor gives investor quality certificate to guarantee no alkali reaction

After designing concrete, contractor gets the sample to check. Materials with standard is kept in the construction site to compare with other

In case of the rain, contractor covers against water

Concrete experiment:

After pouring concrete, contractor gets concrete samples in the work .The sample must have date, month, year, work name .Each sample group includes 6 pieces.3 pieces have age of 7 days and 3 pieces of 28 days.

Contractor guarantees experiment equipments in the construction site and maintains during execution time:

+ Standard screen system

+ Suitable weighbridge, equipments to identify moisture

+ Gauge glass

+ Concrete test equipments:

Cudgel and beam

16 metal patterns with 150mm to try cube sample

Cistern 1. 2*1.2*0.6 to maintain concrete


Steel ruler 300mm

Contractor maintains experiment to check work quality during execution time. Experiment results are restored in work

After maintenance, contractor and investor check concrete

  1. Construction
  2. Material requirement

Construction is very important in execution. Thus, contractor conducts maintenance methods to guarantee techniques from the beginning.

Bricks must be solid, not separated and reach the standard. Half baked bricks, brickbats are rejected.

Mortar commits to design. Using mixing mortar after 30 minutes, not using mixing mortar for a long time.

  1. Preparation

In the construction, contractor puts lead of waited steel to connect wall to reduce plasticity of construction blocks and concrete structure. Thus, there is no leak between concrete blocks and concrete structure.

  1. Execution order and methods

Base on the centre of column when conducting to place column in the formwork combination and concrete pour process .Mark ink border lines

Clean the wall foot by watering

Stretch the horizontal line .Building fontanels

Stretch vertical line (Use plum line)

  1. Construction method

Stretch mortar on the bricks, near to wall edges 1-1.5 cm

The length of mortar layer leads to length of each brick (in the drawings)

Knock on the brick to subside the mortar

Put the brick on the subsided mortar layer. Thickness of mortar vein is 1.2-1.5 cm. Thickness of mortar vein is 1.5 cm. Use trowel to dredge two veins of wall to make it deeper 0.5 cm.

  1. Construction blocks demands:

Contractor ensures all construction block to be built at right position according to design and stop point restriction.

The construction block must be put stably, tight across and straight circuit, must be straight perpendicular to floor. Across wall beam, door beam must have right geometric shape, structure and position according to height, smooth design.

In building process, let holes, water pipe drains, air-ducts and decorating position, unnecessary position can not be let holes to weaken walls.

Crossing, contact position of construction blocks must be built at the same time.

Contractor will put perpendicular measure and plumb line to at least 2directions, the height of each construction period is about 50-60cm after drying mortar, build the next.

When building pillar next to wall, do not let pillar have straight circuit.

Only after building pressing force structure of downstairs, we will build the upper stairs.

Do not collide with already built wall in order to fallen it or affect the stability of wall structure.

Already built wall after 8 hours must be watered maintain layer so that the mortar have enough water to participate in physicochemical reaction; therefore, it will not be brittle, which ensures the construction volume.

Contractor will use standard steel plumb line to check the vertical degree, and wooden or aluminum alloy measurer which have parallel and straight sides (2-2.5m) to check the smooth of construction blocks. Contractor will use angle protractor to check the angle of construction blocks before building.

Contractor will equip protractor for each team, it is a light alloy which marks construction lines, beam position, windows and other parts.

Already building walls, mortar layer is not unit degree when raining. Contractor will use canvases to cover the mortar layer.

Technical engineer guides directly and checks regularly in construction during the daily building process.


  1. Plaster

Mortar of wall which has been kept for a long time. Then, conducting to mortar to guarantee quality of mortar and affect to surrounding work.

Before conducting mortar, contractor invites investor to check column centre, wall flat degree, tight mortar pulse.

Contractor conducts to mortar, contractor waters on walls, make wall surface and mortar adhesive. Mortar layer do not elastic

Mortar follows to design, thickness depends on structure

Create drainage ditches to sink wire column and technical box.

Mortar surface must be equal and solid

Type of mortar and thickness of mortar base on design standard 15-20mm and divide mortar into 2 periods. Vertical deviation is 0.5% and horizontal deviation is 0.8%

General requirements

Mortar surface is smooth

Angle has square shape

Guarantee structure standards

Contractor is responsible for mortar and completion. In mortaring angles, contractor uses angle ruler to check straight and square shape

Contractor maintains mortar layer after plastering 24 hours

Engineer team completes and are in works regularly

  1. Pressing and plastering work:
  • Plaster brick is up to the following factors:

Contractor’s title are up to these following parameters:

Absorbent degree Hp<0,2%.

Pressing degree Rn>500kg/cm2.

Curving degree Ru>500n/mm2

Abrasion degree Mn<130mm2.

Durable degree with acid, base, not mouldy surface.

Bricks used must be brand new.

When carrying bricks to rooms for plastering, Contractor will put them along with the wall side in order not to affect structure.

  • Plastering work:

Plastering work begins when structure work is finished. The plaster floor is smooth and clean.

Plaster material is in right sizes, colors, design. Plaster brick is at high standard. Cut bricks must be smooth.

Plaster floor is smooth, not rough. Checked by 2m long protractor. Slots between plaster floor and protractor <=2mm. Slopping degree and direction are at right design.

Between plaster floor and bricks is full of mortar. Check solid degree by knocking lightly on the plaster floor.

The thickness of cement layer <=15mm. The circuit between bricks is pure cement and water.

At compulsory positions about damp-proof, check the damp-proof layer and other details before plastering.

Plaster floor must be built according to design about pattern color, height, smooth, plopping, connection to floor degree.

Pressing and plastering work will be ensured the whole enamel surface of producer by the contractor after being finished.

  • Pressing work:

Pressing work is installed after building and taking over electricity and water departments and other underground parts.

Press structure surface is according to straight direction. Across pressing circuit needs being full of mortar building pressing and building producer.

Clean the press floor after pressing each part or all parts. Cleaning the press floor is processed only after pressing circuit gets hard.

Press floor must be followed the following demands:

General press floor is ensured the right shape and geometric size. The color must be the same.

Across and straight mortar circuit is sharp, straight, regular.

Mortar between structure and pressing bit is solid.

There is no stained point of paint and lime. When checking by 2m protractor, slot between pressing bit and protractor is <= 2mm.

  1. Painting work:

After checking that all walls are so smooth, we do the painting. In painting process, check every angle by lights. All mistakes must be corrected at once.

Painting layer surface is smooth, not rough.

Protection method must be made in crowded areas.

  1. Glazing execution:

Structure is stable, no dirty, oil before Glazing.

To guarantee the connection between smooth mortar layer and floor, the smooth surface needs watering. If having the lined smooth layer divides 10 – 15cm areas.

The last smooth layer uses cement sand mortar with maximum material rod<= 2mm. After 4-6 hours, depending on the weather, moisture and air temperature, we finish by spreading a concrete line or thin mortar concrete.

The smooth surface must be guaranteed about surface finish according to design. Grinding process is done at the same time with mending general tit and tear surface.

Thread bend work is done right after painting. Thread line need regular about weight, depth and sharpness. If use roller with anti-smooth material, roll right after color cement layer is not solid.

Areas and positions have demand about high damp-proof such as: toilet, water tank, conduit….must process damp-proof layer according to design.

Quality of smooth surface must guarantee about taper, plane ness.

  1. Door installation:

– Wooden doors and aluminum-glass frame doors are manufactured in workshop according to design and rechecked through practical execution. Contractor will give product quality certification to investor before execution.

– Contractor guarantees installing with right technique and experienced team. Check carefully straight, door frame smooth degree when installing.

-Aluminum-glass frame doors are checked by high pressure pump. The connection between door and wall is processed by glue and damp-proof.

– Coefficient of hardness of door must be high and no deformation.

– Detail installing must be accuracy. Doors must move smoothly. Bolt lock, hinge are tight, fine art.

– Door surface must be smooth, no cement mortar or closed chemical on it.

– Glass is up-to standard product, no ripple.

– The filled connection is used with transparent and good silicon glue which is not changed color when sun and rain.

– Installing windows and doors are processed late. It is guaranteed not to spoil already work such as ceiling, wall…

– Hinge must have good incompetence and be installed tightly and accuracy. Handgrip, door lock must be installed tightly and accuracy.

– All door and glass wattle must have good incompetence, against windstorm according to design.

  1. Electricity, thunder protection

Electricity execution

Contractor appoints a skillful and experienced engineer and technical team

Investor checks materials like conduit, wire protected pipes, plug foot protected pipe…

Contractor checks electricity system before giving for investor

Electricity execution divided into 2 steps:

Step1: Stretch underground -wire

Step2: Installation floated wire equipments

  • Stretch underground wire

Investor checks quality of wire, conduit, and wire protected pipes, plug foot protected pipe….Then, contractor starts to install

Before plastering walls, ceilings, contractor estimates wire plan, position of connection boxes, sockets, electricity box

  • Under ground wire pipe installation follow steps:

– Base on electricity drawings, line electricity map on the wall

– Cut pipe to help install pipes on right position

– Contractor puts plated corrugated or zinc pipe with thickness of 15mm. Thickness is equal to length of wall or floor. Contractor uses cement mortar to keep wall or floor

– Guarantee distance between hot pipes and other heat surface is 15cm. After installing pipes, it must be dry and contractor uses glue to connect pipes by pike

– At bend point, contractor uses spring – mattress and not  reduce pipe area .Inside radius is not smaller than pipe diameter

– Pipes must guarantee: Straight, covered, smooth

– Rim pipe tight, avoid water and other objectives

– Clip pipe carefully ,clip point is not exceed 200mm from electricity box edge .Distance between clips is not exceed 1000 mm and 800 mm to the straight direction

– Before using pipe, if it is humid, contractor uses air compresses to make dry. After installing, contractor surveys and invites investor to check. Cover XR mortar on the pipes before finishing survey

  • ocket foot, switch foot, connection box, and electricity box

Distance between socket and floor according to design

Distance between switch and floor according to design

Distance between electricity box and floor according to design

  • Requirements:

Box foot, contractor estimates to prominence to make foot and wall equal

Inside wall box are the same in types

  • Above electricity installation

Equipments are executed at last, after finishing others

Investor checks types of equipments .Quality of work must be checked. Packets are labeled dates and location, features. Contractor gives certificates to investor

After checking products, contractor installs equipments to be suitable for design. Equipments must be clipped carefully.

After installation, contractor invites investor to try and check

  • Thunder protections

Thunder protection system includes: Thunder collected needle D16 with length of 0.8m; Thunder collected line D10 placed on wall and ceiling.  Ground connection steel line D14 connecting steel line and ground connection column is 63*63*6 with the length of 2.5 cm

After installing, contractor investor to check, contractor guarantee features : Underground connected resistance R<= 4

  1. Drainage and supply water system

Consist of running water, fire fighting supply system and drainage system for completion

Drainage and supply water system is galvanized and PVC and do according to requirement

Inside wall equipments are placed by contractor. After installing, contractor will test run to check pressure and takeover

Pressure for drainage system is 0.7 kg/cm2 and trial run time is 12 hour, reducing pressure to be smaller than 0.005 kg/cm2.Contractor gives trial methods to investor to try

In executing water supply system, contractor guarantees tight and is not leaked out

Base on design and requirement of contraction document, checking and taking over types. Then, contractor starts to install equipments

Sanitation equipments must be clean until taking over. Avoiding remained sand, collected funnel is without cement, sand, paint…

Forbid using before sanitation equipments except in experiment

  1. Damp-roof work

– Damp-roof work is very important because it affects to using and aesthetic. Thus, contractor supervises tightly execution.

– Damp-roof work demands the combination of many phases, even BTCT execution will be noticed carefully.

– Aggregates (sand, rock) must be cleaned by fresh water before concrete pouring. This part of reinforcement concrete needs additive material to improve damp-proof competence of structure. Additive material is used following to supervisor.

– Proof floor and toilet floor must be soaked with cement water during 20 days.

– Concrete surface must be cleaned before damp-proof execution. Its surface must be dry and cleaned by pressure-blower.

– Damp-proof surface must be filled with a pure cement mortar layer before plastering or bottom concrete pouring. Concrete pouring work to make slope needs executing when mortar layer is still wet so that it is guaranteed mortar layer is not harmed.

– The second damp-proof by glue is processed above the surface of slope to satisfy the demand of smooth slope. After that, it is swept according to design.

– In the position of drainage pipe must be used metal, no plastic funnel.


– Construction has a beautiful view and demands fine art quality and high technique. In order to guarantee about fine art quality, high technique and progress construction, contractor will arrange staff team and experienced engineers to manage the structure.

– Contractor will use a suitable method to manage manpower. Each employee will receive detail work and have high responsibility.

– Contractor ensures to use qualified employee.

Progress construction diagram:

– Ensure to follow the right design, contract document and requirement of investor.

– Ensure to execute with good quality, safety and the right process.

– Arrange myriapod, flexible method according to the details work.

– Arrange manpower to be suitable with process, each work and guarantee process line is suitable and not overlap and waste.

– Supplying material is guaranteed to be on time and never to be in shortage condition.

– Machine is supplied to be on right time according to process. Contractor uses mechanization into process. In necessary case, contractor will add more machines to hasten the process according to investor.

– Supply enough formwork, scaffold for concrete pouring and 3 floors and avoiding the death time.

– Guarantee to combine and impart the investor’s idea.

Contractor and represented investor always check process and plan on every Monday to guarantee the rate of progress.

With this aim and plan, Contractor guarantees to finish all of work within 190 days.


A.III.1. General Explanation.

Contractor especially appreciates building construction quality management. Building construction quality is the main aim of contractor. Building construction quality also is the main factor which creates stable belief of investor to contractor and this makes contractor successful.


  1. Main materials

Contractor guarantees the standard quality for all material according to technical stipulation design. All material will have certificated quality result, finished bill, quality register of producer, experienced result to present to investor before using. Contractor will guarantee to supply 100% newly material according to design.

  • Cement

Using Porland PC30 cement following to TCVN 2682-92 standard. The spare time of batch of cement before use is within 3 months. Manufactured date and year is on the wrapping or have certificated producer.

  • Sand, Rock

Construction uses mainly yellow, black sand. Rock is stable enough, no impurities not to influence to concrete’s volume, stability and damp-proof. Rock is grinded by machines. Contractor guarantees not to use exploited, manual rock.

  • Mixed concrete

Contractor will supply fully fresh concrete to be suitable with process according to design’s label and have enough quality certification.

  • Reinforcement

Use Thai Nguyen steel or qualified steel according to investor’s demand.

  • Other material

Other material using in construction will be guaranteed about quality according to investor.

  1.  Equipments

Contractor will have plans to supply motor bike, detail execution equipment to each period according to the amount of work. Contractor guarantees to have the best effect and right process.

Contractor will add more amount of motor bike in necessary case according to work and process.

Contractor will contact directly and have necessary permission to transport all type material and machine to construction. Contractor supplies the amount of scaffold, formwork in right demand.


  1. Technical supervisors

Construction engineers, responsible skillful and experienced supervisors includes:

+Technical engineers (Machine, Construction equipment) : 1 person

+ Construction technical engineers (plan, materials)           : 1 person

+ Supervisor                                                                         : 2 persons

+ Construction engineers (Execution)                                  : 2 persons

Execution methods for each specific work, check working procedure of workers

Combine with controllers to check and take over works, set up checking certificate, completion document

Checking quality of materials, safety

  1. Engineers, technical engineers and workers in work

Arranging technical staffs in work who are generic, experienced, and healthy. These staffs guide and check work regularly work

+ Geodesic engineers                 :  01 person

+ Electric and water engineers    : 02 persons

+ Construction engineers            : 03 persons

+ Architect                                   : 03 persons

Checking and taking over inside between supervisors of company and water construction company. After finishing, investor concludes

Set up construction work document diary, other certificates

  1. Workers

Skillful workers have grade of more than 3/7 and are trained about construction field. This team took part in many works


Equipments are equipped for execution of workers; ensure quality, capacity as following:

+ Mason:

  • Ruler , hard aluminum ruler
  • Plumb bob
  • Nivo
  • Square angle ruler
  • Nylon line
  • Steel scaffold
  • Brick and concrete cutting machines

+ Home decorated carpenters are quipped:

Electric– saw, planer, air compressor, nail gun, rulers, and plumb bob

+ Steel man is equipped:

Cutting machine, curved steel machine, wielding machine

Use all general equipments to serve execution effectively and fast like: using excavation machine, car, steel scaffold, formwork in execution and equip light system at night…

Equip computers, telephone, fax, mobile phone…

+ Survey department

Arrange staffs, survey engineer with experience

Use measurement machines for survey:

  • 02 theodolite machines
  • 02 water box machines
  • Steel ruler with length of 100m

These kinds of machines must be tested and licensed

Survey team must be in construction work

Survey team must be in construction work from the beginning to completing work.

Set up axis center, construction work center, border

Serve completion work, measure to complete the work.


   Plan execution progress in detail every week; combine between concrete, raw construction, plaster, ashlar pave

Combine execution works to avoid overlapping

Prepare space reasonably, avoid making noise and dirty to surrounding works


Check and take over according to order, from inside contractor to contractor and technical supervisor. At last, transfer work. Basis of taking over is:

  • Tested design document
  • Technical regulations and instructions of producers to maintain materials
  • Test results, experiment and equipment volume are done during construction process


Choose high -quality material factories and supply sources

Quality material test: It is very important to guarantee work quality. Materials must be tested before transferring to the work and investor to test quality

Main materials must be tested:

– Reinforcement

– Concrete

– Cement

– Brick … ( Serve for building, plasting…)


No Main material Manufactured source
  1 PC30 cement Hoang Mai, Bim Son, Nghi Son or so on
  2 White cement Hai Phong white cement or so on
  3 Mixed rete Mixed station
  4 Steel types Thai Nguyen steel
  5 Thread brick Label A1 type factory>=75
  6 Sand types Vietnam standard fresh sand
  7 Macadam types Grinder by machine standard rock Kien Khe-Phu Ly
  8 Paint KOVA paint, Mexilitex or so on
  9 Pressing non-slip brick Viglacera brick
10 Plastering ceramic brick Viglacera, Long Hau, Hong Ha brick
11 Door types Depend on design type
12 Material and equipment electricity According to design
13 Material and equipment drainage According to design
14 Casing, formwork Fixative corrugated casing and wooden pressing casing
15 Scaffold, satchel PAL, Minh Khai scaffold; steel constriction satchel


Besides, all material will be supplied into construction according to design and investor’s demand.


General explanation

Contractor is responsible for work execution according to agreement, guarantee work quality according to technical drawings, procedure and execution, construction standard, construction quality.

Contractor guarantees high quality to any articles concerning to work, from space preparation, land survey, dimension precise, material quality and work completion

Contractor notices to investor to consider and deal with if there is any problem. Contractor deals with by themselves. After discussing with investor, contractor prepares and dismounts

Contractor notices to investor if there is any problem in design document as well as petition method for contractor to consider and approve.

Materials are transferred in work like: cement, reinforcement, sand, rock, brick. Concrete must are tested

Materials for damp- proof must be tested

Materials have resources

At last, all materials must be allowed by contractor and Supervisor.

    Once more time, contractor confirms each work quality

  1. Reinforcement

Read, look at design drawing: pivot, beam, floor, stair…

Use right type of reinforcement designed in drawings and only using when having certificate

Test dimension of reinforcement

Execution following to restriction, technical standard processed by Vietnam

Reinforcement is processed, installed according to drawings

Workers have grade and experience

Provide equipments fully for reinforcement

Reinforcement in concrete must be tested and accepted by engineer supervisor

Forbid cutting concrete by Acetylene

  1. Concrete execution

Concrete execution plays an important role in deciding tonnage burden of work

Check landslide degree in concrete pour place and note in document (responsibility of contractor)

Cast concrete sample in concrete place (sample volume according to restrictions)

Press concrete sample done in laboratory (Age result 7 days and 28 days)

Form of cement, sand, rock and concrete samples are noted full

Concrete pour and concrete beam are done according to restrictions of supervisors, investors and contractors

Concrete meets to standard in Vietnam

Concrete maintenance is done after 24h from pouring time, then, maintain within 7 days continuously.

  • Use pump to water
  • Use equipments to cover direct light
  • Distribute people to maintain everyday

Largest height for concrete is 1.5m. Using pipe to pour concrete when structure is greater than 30cm

Thickness of structure is larger than 60 cm, pour, and beam into each layer of 30 cm thick

Forbid using   additive having Canxi

  1. Formwork combination

Untie reinforcement, steel columns with steel beam and wooden satchel with dimension of more than 10*12 cm

Formwork used with thickness of more than 3 cm. Thickness of corrugated ion formwork is 1.5 to 2 cm

Adjust partition formwork by method: Soft line with tender

Use theololite to check straight degree of formwork system before pouring or using plumb bob to adjust

Use water box machine to check beam formwork system

Clean before pouring concrete

Use bolt and clip instead of nail

  1. Construction

Use survey to place the position to build wall on the space

Bricks have right types, grade

Water bricks before construction from 20 to 30 minutes

Mix mortar by machine according to grade. Mixed materials are calculated carefully

Use nylon line to create square angles

Circuit meets to requirement

Full mortar between bricks



Contractor applies progressive science and technology to execute construction in order to guarantee process and quality. Contractor uses execution machine at maximum level to improve work quality and  reduce process time.

– Contractor uses fixative steel type with materials such as: scaffold, satchel, casing to improve work quality and reduce process time.

– Contractor uses elevator system to transport material to high position. This system is tidy and have high feature.

– Contractor uses experienced engineer and employee to execute this construction.

– Contractor supplies adequate amount of fixative formwork, scaffold of all floors on time to guarantee process of construction.

– Supply adequate material on time according to design

– Set up and control process of each detail work

– Contractor will equip communication and electricity system in order to guarantee about regular contact.


No Machine, equipment name Quantity Parameter Made in
I Main execution equipment
 4 KOBELCO tire digger 01 Vg=0.8 m3 Japan
 5 IFA, KAMAZ lorry 07 5-12 ton German, Russia
 6 Sperm compressor 02 20 Cv China
 7 Concrete mixing machine 02 2.8 Kw; 250l China
 8 Mortar mixing concrete 03 150l China
 9 Concrete pumping car 01 80m3/h German
10 Concrete rammer- drilling rammer 05 1.1 KW China
11 Concrete rammer-  floor rammer 03 1.5 KW China
12 Iron cutting machine 02 1998 China
13 Iron curving machine 02 1998 China
14 Wielding machine 02 24 KVA Vietnam
15 Electric generator 01 40 KVA Japan
16 Concrete driller 02 2.5 KW German
17 Theodolite 02 Japan
18 02 Japan
19 Pump 03 15-30 m3/h Korea, Italia
20 MISAKA rammer 02 60-80 Kg Japan
21 Handle machine 20 Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam
22 Minh Khai finish machine 1200 single unit Vietnam
23 PAL combination scaffold 600 single unit Vietnam
24 D68 steel satchel 300 Vietnam
25 Casing types 5000m2 Plywood, metal Vietnam
26 Safe net, sign 02 unit Vietnam
II Experiment check equipment
 1 02 unit Vietnam
 2 Shape casting concrete 06 unit Vietnam
 3 Pressing experiment concrete machine 01 Spain
 4 Pouring concrete spout 01 Switzerland
 5 Experiment steel machine 01 China


All machines are proved to guarantee process. Contractor commits to supply adequate all machines and equipment for execution and have more machines if necessary


 Contractor is always concerning about quality, technology, and progress of the project. This is the important factor to decide success and development of company

In project:” Golf club house –Chuong My District- Ha Tay Province”. We commit to warrantee construction work within 12 months from hand–over date .In maintenance time, we allow staffs to help you to solve problems

Thuyết minh biện pháp thi công bằng tiếng Anh (Phần 2)
Thuyết minh biện pháp thi công bằng tiếng Anh (Phần 3)
Thuyết minh biện pháp thi công bằng tiếng Anh (Phần 4)
Thuyết minh biện pháp thi công bằng tiếng Anh (Phần 5)
Thuyết minh biện pháp thi công bằng tiếng Anh (Phần 6)

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